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Thursday, July 19th, 2018

Tutors International backs union call for home tutor criminal record checks

Tutor criminal record checks: leading global tutoring company Tutors International has announced its support as the National Education Union (NEU) calls for all private home tutors to face criminal record checks OXFORD, UK: Adam Caller, founder of the leading private tutoring firm Tutors International, has today voiced his support for the National Education Union’s latest call for regulation of the...
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Thursday, May 31st, 2018

Global education: Tutors International founder issues statement responding to new survey

Responding to a new survey which reveals half of international students don’t feel ‘global’, Tutors International founder Adam Caller supports call for increased global perspective in education Following a report issued by the Centre of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick in May 2018, Adam Caller – founder of leading global private tutoring company Tutors International – has issued a...
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Thursday, May 31st, 2018

Snowflake generation will negatively affect immediate future of the education sector, says Tutors International founder

Adam Caller, founder of leading private tutoring company Tutors International, warns of the negative impact that the snowflake generation will have on the education sector for the coming decade Amidst growing discussion of the ‘snowflake generation’ – defined by Collins Dictionary Online as ‘the generation of people who became adults in the 2010s, viewed as being less resilient and more...
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Wednesday, April 4th, 2018

Tutors International reports record enquiries for private tuition in Asia

Leading private tutoring company Tutors International has seen exponential growth in enquiries for full time private tuition in Asia in the first quarter of 2018 Tutors International today announced it has received a record number of enquiries for private tuition in Asia, with a 400% increase in new client requests year on year. The increase in enquiries from Asian families...
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Tuesday, March 20th, 2018

Tutors International opens new office in Singapore in response to increasing demand for private tuition in Asia

Leading private tutoring company Tutors International has expanded its Asian private tuition operations with the launch of new regional office in Singapore, supporting its existing network of offices in the UK, America, and Asia. Tutors International today announced it has expanded its operations to Singapore, opening a new regional office in order to best meet growing demand for private tutors...
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Tuesday, March 6th, 2018

Tutors International urges parents considering tutors for September 2018 to act now

Adam Caller, founder of leading private tutoring company Tutors International, has issued a reminder this week for families to assess their tutoring requirements now in order to secure the best private tutors for September 2018 and the coming academic year. Families considering education options for the academic year 2018–2019 are advised to begin discussions with tuition providers now if private...
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Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

Should your child be tutored over the Easter break? Tutors International issues new advice

Tutors International founder and educational consultant Adam Caller released new advice this week recommending private examination revision tuition over the Easter break ahead of the forthcoming examinations season. Tutors International has issued new advice recommending private tuition over the Easter break. Adam Caller, who founded prestigious private tutoring company Tutors International in 1999 and whose career in education spans nearly...
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Thursday, January 25th, 2018

The role of private tutors for university students needs to be more clearly defined, according to Tutors International

Adam Caller voiced his concern that boundaries were blurring for students seeking expert private tutors in addition to scheduled lectures.
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Friday, December 15th, 2017

The online tutoring market will dip, but bounce back as educators begin to understand its opportunities and limitations, predicts Tutors International founder.

Following recent reports and speculation surrounding the popularity and future of online private tutoring, Tutors International founder, Adam Caller, offered advice this week on how to use online resources most effectively, and what improvements need to be made to online services. The online tutoring market has become increasingly competitive in recent years, and it is predicted to continue to grow...
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Tuesday, October 17th, 2017

Tutors International founder calls for increase in due diligence in screening private tutor references within the industry

Adam Caller, founder of leading global private tutoring firm, Tutors International, expressed his concern this week that some tutoring companies are not being thorough when following up on candidate references. Speaking this week of concerns surrounding the lack of care taken by some tutoring firms, over the collecting and handling of tutor references, Adam Caller commented: “We do our utmost...
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Thursday, October 5th, 2017

Tutors International reports rise in popularity of a 'global education’

“Global schools” are on the rise, where students travel the world, and their teachers use different cultures and experiences to support a broader education. It’s an inspirational way of learning that private tutors have long embraced. The emerging trend for travelling ‘global schools’ is intriguing, and Adam Caller, founder of leading global firm, Tutors International, made a statement this week...
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Monday, June 19th, 2017

HNW families are flocking to New Zealand, and they’re taking their tutors with them, says Tutors International.

The leading international tutoring firm reported this week an uptick in enquiries from wealthy families seeking increased safety and stability abroad, with New Zealand being a top choice. Amid Brexit uncertainty and concerns over the current socio-political climate worldwide, an increasing number of families are considering relocation to provide a more stable environment in which to work and educate their...
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Thursday, June 15th, 2017

Recruitment for private tutors in January 2018 needs to start now, announces Tutors International

Tutors International founder, Adam Caller, urged families this week to assess their January 2018 tutoring needs now in order to ensure availability and find a perfect match. Whether for after school support, online exam prep, or a complete transition to full-time home education – at home or away – the best private tutors are always in high demand. In recent...
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Monday, May 22nd, 2017

Tutors International founder offers new revision advice ahead of exam season

With students across the UK, and internationally, preparing for the 2017 exam season, Adam Caller, whose career in education and private tutoring spans over 25 years, reported his top exam revision tips this week. Tutors International has placed private full-time tutors students and their families all over the world, preparing for a wide range of exams. “Whether a student is...
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Monday, May 15th, 2017

Friend or educator? Tutors International founder reports on the blurring of boundaries and professionalism in private tutoring

In one to one private tutoring situations, it can be natural for tutors to build greater trust and rapport with their student, but Tutors International founder, Adam Caller, made a statement this week to warn against compromising respect and responsibility. Private tutors, particularly those in full-time residential positions, walk a fine line between the role of professional educator, and a...
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