Yes. We work with families and tutors all around the world. We have also placed tutors on travelling assignments, yachts and in remote communities in the Puerto-Rican mountains. We will find you the best tutor for your family no matter where in the world you are.
Frequently Asked Questions
As a rule, not really, but there are exceptions, so please do enquire. We specialise in full-time residential tuition but if the number of hours required is enough, we can probably help.
Yes. Our founder, Adam Caller, is very sensitive to children’s educational needs, offering many avenues of help. We can ensure a tutor has the appropriate experience and specialist training for any specialist educational need a student may have.
Yes, completely. We have extensive experience working with private clients and fully understand the need for discretion and confidentiality. All potential tutors sign confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements. For additional security, we arrange professional background screening by Kroll FPR.
The pricing of a job is based on understanding our Clients’ exact requirements. Subjects, levels, location, urgency, security and many other factors all affect the costs. Once we have met you and discussed your needs in detail, we will be able to advise on the precise fees. Fees tend to start at £120k GBP per annum, and the usual range is £240-360k GBP per annum. Whatever we charge, we always pay 70-75% to the tutor. For example, fees to the client of £300k per annum would mean compensation to the tutor of £210-£225k per annum.
Our fees are negotiable to some extent, but we have learned from experience what we need to offer to attract the best teachers out of the classroom. With more than two decades of experience to call on, we have come to understand how to truly satisfy our clients’ exacting requirements.
Our contractual recruitment timeframe is 3 months and ideally, we want to start the recruitment process at least 9 months before the tutoring start date. This allows us to reach the largest possible number of candidates, get references and shortlist for the Client with enough time for the Tutor to work out a Term’s notice with their current employer. We are rarely lucky to have this time though and can usually move quicker!
No. We are not an agency. We do not make our margin upfront and then leave everyone on their own. We employ our Tutors, and our fees are spread over the whole contract term. We remain available continuously to both the Client and the Tutor throughout the full contract period (and usually beyond) to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
If you’re a tutor looking to apply for a Tutors International job, please check the ‘current positions’ section of our Tutors’ website:
Please note that all current jobs are posted here, and there are no others. If a job is listed then you can apply for it.
Please follow our @TutorsIntl X (Twitter) account to be kept up to date on new vacancies.
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