Full-time private tutors
There are many benefits to having a full time Tutor whether you are planning to home school your children or to supplement to their current education. We’ve placed full-time tutors with:
- families who wanted to spend considerable time travelling
- families who want a different educational style or curriculum than that found at school
- students who are struggling to keep up academically
- students who need to improve their grades
- students who were being bullied or felt uncomfortable at school
- students with special educational needs, such as dyslexia or AD/HD
- students who have other commitments, such as acting or sports
Read our testimonials and case studies.
Part-time private tutors
Though it is not our specialty, if the number of required hours is significant but not full time, or if a Tutor is required for only a few months, we can usually help. We have also been able to help with some hourly or online requests.
Full-time private tutors for short contracts
We are sometimes asked if we can supply tutors for shorter contracts then the normal twelve-month minimum term. Please contact us to discuss your plans.
We have successfully filled a number of short-term positions:
- A family wanting a holiday tutor in Sardinia
- A 6-week crash-course in A-level Latin
- Tutoring a sixth-former on a polo course in Buenos Aires
- Intensive revision for a student doing resits in Paris
- Help with an undergraduate dissertation
Read more in our short-term tutoring case studies.

Travelling tutors
Tutors International has a sister business, Sea Tutors, that specialises in placing high-end tutors on yachts.
Many of our clients have multiple homes or travel extensively. This should not have to mean a disturbed and inconsistent education for children. A full-time travel tutor provides consistency for students and families accustomed to this lifestyle. It also means a flexible and imaginative approach to education, with Tutors able to integrate the changing surroundings and their teaching.
One family on an around-the-world yacht trip share their experience:
Every other Friday they have a Regional Module, where they work with the tutors on the geography, history and culture of the country we are in. They had decided last week that they would put on a Greek play, using their knowledge from Pompeii combined with research into Greek life and mythology. They wrote the play, made props, costumes, programmes and music, and practised and practised and practised some more. Amazing!
Read more about our Travelling Tutors
Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD and other specific educational needs
Founder, Adam Caller, has received specialist training in dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder and is very sensitive to children’s educational needs, offering many avenues of help. We can ensure a tutor has the appropriate experience and specialist training for any specialist educational need a student may have.
Read more about our Special Educational Needs tutoring
Young actors, athletes and musicians
We have worked with a number of child actors, athletes and musicians and understand their unique needs and demanding schedules. We specialise in providing tutors with the experience, training, and flexibility needed to enable your child to progress with their learning alongside their careers.
Read more about young actors, athletes and musicians tutoring
Relocating and expat families
We are well versed in the complexities that come with relocating. Our in-depth matching process means we always select tutors who can support your children through the challenges that families have to deal with, including learning new languages, adapting to new curriculums and understanding local cultures.
Read more about tutoring for relocating and expat families
Early years tuition
We recognise the importance of early years education in shaping a child’s future. Our meticulous matching process ensures that every tutor is chosen to align with your child’s unique needs, whether that’s encouraging curiosity, developing key skills, or building confidence in a supportive environment.
Our tutor is fantastic! [The Student] took to him straight away, and all is well. I can't thank you enough for the perfect tutor!
By focusing on strength-based learning, we create enriching experiences that nurture your child’s growth during these crucial early years.
Read more about early years tutoring

Special projects and specific interests
Special projects is a programme of structured learning tutor placements or tutorials which will follow an agreed set of educational parameters. Tutors might work with the Client towards an educational qualification but equally, the programme may well be for personal enrichment. When a potential project has been identified along with a suitable tutor, Tutors International will prepare a project specification for the Client’s approval.
If you want a tutor that can also nurture and improve a specific interest or talent, we will find that tutor. We have placed tutors who have doubled as sailing instructors and equestrian coaches. Our tailored tuition expertise means we can source a tutor that is so much more than a school teacher.