Finding the right tutor for your family

About us

Tutors International is an elite private tutoring company, specialising in full-time residential private tuition.

Unlike other tutoring companies, Tutors International conducts a customised global search for every Tutor according to the specific requirements of each Client. This uncompromising attention to detail ensures that the ideal tutor is found for each placement.

We are the only tutoring company in the world offering this standard of private service.

Full-time private tutors

We can provide Tutors for all circumstances, whether live-in or out, instead of school, or as well as school. We can offer full home-schooling, support in addition to school, or any combination of these, in any location worldwide.

Part-time private tutors and short contracts

Though it is not our specialty, if the number of required hours is significant but not full-time, or if a Tutor is required for only a few months, we can usually help.

Travelling tutors

Many of our clients have multiple homes or travel extensively. A full-time travel tutor provides consistency for students and families accustomed to this lifestyle.

Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD and specific educational needs

We can ensure a tutor has the appropriate experience and specialist training for any specialist educational need.

25 years of service
Tutors International was founded in Oxford in 1999.
45 000+ tutors
Extensive and growing database of tutors.
250+ extraordinary clients
Successfully solved complex cases around the world.
550+ tutor placements
Each placement has unique requirements.
800 000+ student-hours
...and counting!

Case Studies

We have an extensive history of successful case studies. Some of these were especially complex.
Explore case studies
Hong Kong

Hong Kong

This highly able boy attended a nice school in Hong Kong. The family planned to move to London and could see that the standards in Hong Kong did not match those of the top London private schools.

Tutors International were able to source a Tutor to bridge the gap.

Boy (8) - full time service
Atlanta, United States

Atlanta, United States

This family are homeschooling all the way to College because they believe that this is a better education than traditional schooling. The position is now in its 4th year and the children are following a British curriculum.

For the first three years the two children shared a tutor. Now, as their interests and strengths become more divergent the client has opted to have two tutors to cover the subjects so that each can be more specialised.

Girl (16), Boy (17) - full time service
Switzerland and England

Switzerland and England

This family were looking for a full time private tutor to help with a complex transition between schooling in Switzerland and England, and with extended interim periods of homeschooling in the US.

A Tutor familiar with International Baccalaureate was appointed to liaise with the new school and assure that the children were always at the appropriate level so that they would be able to reintegrate into their class at any time.

Boy (12), Girl (10) - full time service


Our extraordinary approach leads to extraordinary outcomes. Reviews from our Clients commend and celebrate the life-changing impact that our tutors and expertise have had on their families.
We are exceedingly thankful for the kindest and most generous support given to our son in the past few months, not only from both of you, but also from those who extended their helping hands at critical moments when external, objective assessments as well as senior advice were desperately needed.
University Student
While we haven’t seen eye to eye at points on this journey, I want you to know that I am grateful for your matching us with [the Tutor]. She did exactly what she set out to do: get [my son] confident and up to grade level. [My son] now LOVES school. We had him home last week while we waited for our vaccines to kick in, and he was devastated to be missing out. That’s a long way away from where [the Tutor] found him. Many thanks. Many thanks.
Full time home schooling, Canada
What a fantastic week! [The Student] has really been enjoying it. We have really appreciated the daily updates. He doesn’t really share extensively on his day other than one or two things so it’s really nice to get a more complete understanding of the day. [The Student] said he has learned more from [the Tutor] today than he did in 2 months at his last school. He is one lucky kid to get this experience!
USA, Full time homeschooling
We have made the very, very difficult decision to integrate [our son] back into the full-time school system. We had an educational consultant test him and as we suspected, he has caught up and gone above his grade due to the amazing work of [The Tutor]. [The Tutor] is a WONDERFUL person and I can’t bring myself to think about life without him and the support and joy he has brought to [our son] and our family. He is wonderful and we appreciate and love every piece of him. Kindly, [The Client]
USA, Full-time homeschooling
I was just reading an article today on how the pandemic is having a significant toll on children's academic progress globally. I couldn't stop thinking how fortunate our kids have been to have you tutor them. Not only did they not fall behind, they progressed to levels beyond as if virtual learnings and lockdowns never happened.
United Kingdom, Full time
Going amazing. [The Tutor] has got my son figured out, and we are really enjoying her company too. We’re SO much happier under her care than in public school. I feel relieved knowing that in this one-on-one format he’s getting everything he needs to catch up and to excel. A million thank-yous.
Short-term home schooling's abundantly clear that [The Tutor] not only spent lots of hours but also quality time with our kids. [The Tutor] assessment of their strengths and areas of improvement couldn't resonate more. Thank you [The Tutor] for all your effort these past 2 years. Thank you for being an important part of our family the last 2 years.
London, Full time homeschooling

In The Media

Adam Caller, founder of Tutors International

Adam Caller — educational consultant and founder of leading global tutoring company Tutors International — recognised internationally as spokesperson on private tutoring questions.
See the interview

Top tutors can earn as much as $400,000

CNBC’s Robert Frank reports tutors for the wealthy are in high demand. Top tutors can earn as much as $400,000 a year. Nathaniel Hannan from Tutors International discusses the high expectations set for highly paid teachers.
Watch it on CNBC

High-end tutoring

A company called «Tutors International» finds full-time tutors to work with individual families all over the world. Paul, one of the «super tutors», shares his thoughts about the differences and similarities of teaching and elite private private tutoring.
Listen to the programme

Also seen in...

  • SuperYacht magazine
  • BBC Capital
  • Vanity Fair
  • Robb Report
  • The Guardian
  • The Times
  • The Telegraph
  • The Frisky
See all

Latest news

Contact Us

If you would like a Tutor, please fill in this form and we will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your requirements in detail.

Alternatively, you can reach us by calling +44 1865 435 135.

If you are a tutor, please go to our tutor site.

Your Tutoring Requirements

We know that the cost of our services might be beyond your means. If this is the case, we recommend that you explore other options.

Information sent to Tutors International is never passed on to third parties. For details, see our Privacy Policy.