Supporting Private Tutors

We empower private tutors to deliver exceptional educational experiences.
Friday, September 6th, 2024

How to Set up an Inspirational Learning Space in your Home

For a happy, productive and engaged student, the right learning environment is so important. Drawing on our extensive experience, here are the things parents should consider when creating a home learning space.
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Friday, June 28th, 2024

Tutors Are Not There to Spoon-Feed Students, but to Equip Them for Independent Learning

There’s a concern that private tutors spoon-feed information to students just so they can pass exams. But this isn’t the case for the majority of skilled private tutors, who aim to foster their students’ independence, enhancing academic performance and their enjoyment in the learning process. 
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Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

Super-Tutors are Paid $400,000 Because it’s a Really Hard Job

Tutors International say that so called super-tutors are worth their extraordinarily high salaries because the contracts are so demanding.
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Wednesday, January 24th, 2024

Join Us at Love Tutoring @Bett 2024 to Celebrate Private Tutoring

Adam Caller, Founder and CEO of Tutors International, will be on the ‘Education without Borders Panel’ at 3pm, Thursday 25 January 2024. 
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Wednesday, July 5th, 2023

Children Burnout Too: It’s Time to Minimise Homework

Explore CEO Adam Caller's perspective on the prevailing 'homework crisis' impacting children globally, particularly in the U.S. This article challenges conventional wisdom, highlighting the drawbacks of an excessive homework burden and its potential role in child burnout.
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Friday, March 17th, 2023

Why is Tutors International considered to be the world-leader in residential private tuition?

Speaking at the Prestel & Partner Family Office Forum held in New York in October 2022, Chief Operations Office, Victoria Gibbs explains why Tutors International is the world leader in providing residential private tuition.
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Thursday, January 5th, 2023

Tutors International Explains How Private Tutoring Can Help Your Child Develop Social Intelligence

Elite private tutoring company, Tutors International sheds lights on the importance of developing social intelligence and how a private tutor can nurture your child’s understanding of their own, and others’, actions.
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Monday, June 13th, 2022

Tutors International CEO, Adam Caller, Announced as Prestel and Partner Family Office Forum Speaker for the Second Consecutive Year

Founder of elite private tutoring company, Adam Caller, receives a second invitation to be guest speaker at the 2022 Prestel and Partner’s Family Office Forum Prestel and Partner OXFORD, UK: Founder and CEO of Tutors International, Adam Caller, has once again been announced as an esteemed guest speaker at the 2022 Prestel and Partner Family Office Forum. The Forum will take place on...
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Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022

Adam Caller Urges Company Directors to Donate to the Save the Children Ukraine Appeal

Adam Caller issues a call-to-action plea to fellow company directors asking them to follow suit and donate to the Save the Children Ukraine Appeal. OXFORD, UK: Adam Caller, Founder and CEO of Tutors International, today donated £1000 to the Save the Children Ukraine Appeal. Says Caller: “We at Tutors International have been deeply moved by the stories coming out of...
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Wednesday, February 9th, 2022

Tutors International Offers the Perfect Solution to UHNW Families Wanting to Resume Travel

UHNW families want to travel knowing that their child’s education is not going to be disrupted. Adam Caller, CEO and Founder of elite private tutoring company Tutors International, suggests employing a full-time private travelling tutor to provide high-end, personalised tuition while travelling. OXFORD, UK: As the world starts to return to post-pandemic normality, many UHNW families are starting to make...
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Tuesday, June 8th, 2021

"Game-Changers in Elite Education": Tutors International Release Comments from Clients and Educators Showcasing Why They Are No Ordinary Tutoring Company

Providers of an elite education: Private residential tuition specialists, Tutors International, share experiences from their Tutors and Clients that demonstrate why they have been dubbed the ‘Dom Perignon’ of tutoring companies. The ‘Dom Perignon’ of Tutoring Companies OXFORD, UK: Tutors International (TI) are a private tutoring company specialising in finding the perfect full-time residential tutor for HNW families. As well...
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Friday, March 26th, 2021

Supporting Private Tutors: Tutors International Endorses the Petition to Initiate a Public Enquiry into the National Tutoring Programme’s Management

In an act of support for private tutors, and a means for upholding quality education for students, Founder of Tutors International, Adam Caller, endorses the Change.Org petition calling for a public enquiry into the National Tutoring Programme’s management.
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Friday, March 19th, 2021

Adam Caller Deems the NTP’s Short-Changing of Private Tutors ‘Disgraceful’ and Says an Official Tutoring Qualification is Integral to an Effective Catch-Up Programme

Founder of Tutors International, Adam Caller, condemns the news that private tutors on the Government’s National Tutoring Programme (NTP) are only being paid a fraction of what their agencies are receiving. Mr Caller proposes that an officialised tutoring qualification or Charter is the key to a fair, high-quality catch-up programme for students.
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Thursday, January 7th, 2021

Adam Caller Responds to Plans to Make an Institute of Teaching

On 2 January 2021, the Government announced plans to establish a new Institute of Teaching that would be “the first of its kind in the world”. Adam Caller - educational consultant, entrepreneur, and founder of Tutors International - responds to this announcement.
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Thursday, December 10th, 2020

National Tutoring Programme Funding to be Stretched Over Two Years

On 30th November 2020, the Government announced that the £350 million of funding for the National Tutoring Programme (NTP) will in extend over two years, instead of one, as initially promised.
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