Supporting Private Tutors

We empower private tutors to deliver exceptional educational experiences.
Monday, September 8th, 2014

Tutors International invited to join Tutors’ Association committee for code of conduct for residential tutors

Adam Caller, founder of  Tutors International, has been invited to join the Tutors’ Association committee for establishing the rules of conduct for residential tutors. Tutors International, the world’s leading provider of full-time private tutors around the world, has been invited by the UK’s newly formed Tutors’ Association to join the committee that will set the code of conduct for residential...
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Monday, August 18th, 2014

“The UK needs private universities”: Tutors International criticises Government’s applicant restrictions on top universities

Adam Caller, founder of Tutors International, today criticised application controls imposed by the Government on Oxford and Cambridge Universities, claiming it will ultimately destroy the UK’s place in the world knowledge economy. He proposes that the UK could benefit from having private universities. Founder of Tutors International, Adam Caller, who has variously taught in state and independent schools, as a...
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Monday, August 11th, 2014

“Like royal nannies, private tutors must show loyalty and deference”, claim Tutors International

Leading private tutoring agency, Tutors International, today compared the qualities expected in the most elite of private tutors with those of royal nannies. As Prince George turns one year old, there is much discussion about royal babies and their raising. Describing the qualities essential in a recent article in the Telegraph, the author states that royal nannies must show loyalty...
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Monday, May 12th, 2014

“What’s an ‘astronomical’ fee?”: Tutors International founder, Adam Caller defends super tutors’ salaries

Education consultant and founder of Tutors International, Adam Caller, today published a response to the scepticism around the fees commanded by ‘super tutors’. A recent article on the BBC website (Sean Coughlin, Exam pressure: What the private tutor saw, 23 April 2014), looks at exam pressure on school pupils, and the families who pay “astronomical” fees for the very best...
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Monday, August 5th, 2013

‘An Association of Private Tutors Will Not Hinder A Tutor’s Ability to Do Their Job’

Amid controversy over plans to found an Association of Private Tutors in the UK, Tutors International reassures tutors that any association given the go-ahead will aim solely to provide a useful, supportive organization for private tutors. Discussions have taken place between private tutors and private tuition companies, at the invitation of CMRE, to look into the foundation of a UK-based...
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Sunday, April 21st, 2013

What Background Checks Are Needed on Private Tutors?

Advice to parents on the most important security checks they or their private tutoring agency need to make when hiring a private tutor. Full-time private tuition can ensure your child receives the best education possible, and many UHNW families are taking this approach to fit in with travel, security concerns or international relocation. However, hiring a private tutor and carrying...
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Monday, April 8th, 2013

Should You Let Your Child Choose Their Private Tutor? Tutors International Says It Should Always be Family Decision

Tutoring agency, Tutors International, published an article today that looks at who should be involved in the recruitment process for a private tutor, and what they should look for in the ideal candidate. Nearly all homeschool tutoring candidates will look excellent on paper, with exemplary qualifications and vast experience, so sifting through the list needs to invoke other criteria. Adam...
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