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Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

‘The Advantage of Individual and Customised Education Exactly for Your Kid’s Needs’: Adam Caller Announces Details of Guest Speaker Topic at the 2022 Family Office Forum

Education Consultant and Founder of Tutors International, Adam Caller, will be returning to speak at the 2022 Prestel and Partner Family Office Forum in London. He has announced that he will elaborate on the advantages of high-end specialist tuition in a question and answer session with his colleague, Joanna Dunckley Phillips. OXFORD, UK: Adam Caller, education consultant, CEO and founder...
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Monday, June 13th, 2022

Tutors International CEO, Adam Caller, Announced as Prestel and Partner Family Office Forum Speaker for the Second Consecutive Year

Founder of elite private tutoring company, Adam Caller, receives a second invitation to be guest speaker at the 2022 Prestel and Partner’s Family Office Forum Prestel and Partner OXFORD, UK: Founder and CEO of Tutors International, Adam Caller, has once again been announced as an esteemed guest speaker at the 2022 Prestel and Partner Family Office Forum. The Forum will take place on...
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Tuesday, May 31st, 2022

Tutors International Commences a Global Search for a World-Class Educator to Place in a Private Tutoring Position in Yvelines, France

World-renowned residential private tutoring specialists, Tutors International, announces its latest tutoring job vacancy: a full-time private tutoring role teaching Economics to a student based in Yvelines, France. OXFORD, UK:  Tutors International is an elite private home tuition company specialising in full-time residential tuition. Based in Oxford, England, they recruit private home tutors worldwide and conduct a completely customised and highly-specialised global recruitment process for each...
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Friday, May 27th, 2022

Tutors International Announces Job Vacancy for an Exceptional Full-Time Private Tutor in Tampa, Florida

World-renowned residential private tutoring specialists, Tutors International, announces its latest tutoring job vacancy: a full-time tutoring role to two teenagers, based in Tampa, Florida. OXFORD, UK: Tutors International is a world leader in full-time private tuition. They specialise in sourcing the perfect tutor for each of their clients by conducting a completely personalised global recruitment process that accommodates the exact...
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Monday, May 9th, 2022

Tutors International Announces Increase in Enquiries from Expatriate Anti-Putin Russians Seeking Private Tuition for their Families

Expatriate opponents of Russian president Vladimir Putin, are moving their families out of Europe and seeking private tuition for their children as anti-Russia sentiments run high. OXFORD, UK: Thousands of Russians, who previously fled Russia because they disagreed with Mr Putin’s policies, have found themselves having to uproot their families once again. Most of these Russian ex-patriots moved to the...
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Wednesday, May 4th, 2022

Tutors International Promotes its Elite Private Tutoring Service on The Celebrity Personal Assistant Network Website

Tutors International, full-time residential private tuition specialists, recently joined forces with The Celebrity Personal Assistant Network to promote its services to a clientele of high-net-worth families throughout the world. OXFORD, UK: Tutors International is renowned for placing world-class educators into private residential tutoring positions all around the world. In a recent development, the elite private tutoring company invested in an...
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Friday, April 8th, 2022

“What About Gifted and Talented Pupils?”- Adam Caller of Tutors International Speaks Out About Lack of Provision in the Government’s SEND Green Paper

Leading educationalist, Adam Caller, believes that the Government’s Green Paper fails to recognise and support the thousands of gifted and talented pupils throughout the UK. OXFORD, UK: Last week, more than two years after the release of its review into special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), the Government finally published its Green Paper into SEND provision for pupils. The paper...
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Monday, April 4th, 2022

Adam Caller of Tutors International Extends Offer to Families Housing Ukrainian Refugee Children

Leading educationalist, Adam Caller, has offered to significantly reduce the fees incurred in employing a private tutor for families providing accommodation for Ukrainian refugees with children. OXFORD, UK: NEWS ALERT! In a magnanimous gesture today, Adam Caller, Founder and CEO of Tutors International, offered the services of his company to help the Ukrainian refugee children losing out on their education...
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Tuesday, March 29th, 2022

“Randstad Aren’t Solely Responsible for the Shortcomings of the National Tutoring Programme”, claims CEO of Tutors International, Adam Caller

Adam Caller voices his opinion on whether ministers should terminate Randstad’s contract to deliver the National Tutoring Programme. OXFORD, UK: Yesterday, in the Schools White Paper, The Department of Education (DfE), set out its plans to raise standards in schools and colleges throughout England. Key to achieving this objective is the £1.7 billion catch-up package promised by the Government in...
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Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022

Leading Educationalist Expresses his Opinion on the Teaching of Grammar in Schools

Adam Caller, CEO and Founder of Tutors International, responds to a recent article on the teaching of grammar in schools in England. OXFORD, UK: A recent article published earlier this month, presented a case for  change in the way grammar is taught in England. Based on research funded by the Nuffield Foundation, the article described how a new approach to...
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Saturday, March 5th, 2022

Tutors International Starts Recruitment Process for Part-Time, London-Based Tutoring Job in Business Management

Elite private tutoring company, Tutors International, announces their latest tutoring job vacancy: a part-time role based in London for an undergraduate student studying Business Management. A New Part-Time Private Tutoring Vacancy OXFORD, UK: Tutors International is a prestigious private tutoring company, specialising in finding the world’s best tutors for a clientele of high net-worth families. It is the only private tutoring company in...
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Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022

Adam Caller Urges Company Directors to Donate to the Save the Children Ukraine Appeal

Adam Caller issues a call-to-action plea to fellow company directors asking them to follow suit and donate to the Save the Children Ukraine Appeal. OXFORD, UK: Adam Caller, Founder and CEO of Tutors International, today donated £1000 to the Save the Children Ukraine Appeal. Says Caller: “We at Tutors International have been deeply moved by the stories coming out of...
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Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022

Adam Caller Agrees with Government Plans to Deny University Loans to Students Failing GCSE Maths and English

On 23 February 2022, newspaper headlines announced the government’s new proposals preventing students from taking out university loans if they fail the core subjects of English and maths at GCSE. Adam Caller, educational consultant, entrepreneur, and founder of Tutors International, responds to this announcement. Oxford UK: In a controversial speech last week, the Higher and Further Education Minister, Michelle Donelan,...
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Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022

Work Harder: Adam Caller Responds to Advice on How to Restore Academic Confidence

There’s no shortcut to restoring a child’s academic confidence other than to work harder, says Adam Caller, CEO and Founder of elite private tutoring company Tutors International. OXFORD, UK: In a recent article, a specialist educator listed four easy ways to restore a child’s academic confidence. Adam Caller, Founder and CEO of Tutors International,  vehemently disagrees with the advice. Hard...
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Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022

Adam Caller Speaks Out About the Impact of A-level Grade Inflation on University Students

Spiralling grade inflation is leading to an increasing number of enquiries for private tutors, Adam Caller, CEO and Founder of elite private tutoring company Tutors International, reveals. OXFORD, UK: For the past two years, more students than ever have received top grades in their A-level exams. In England in 2019, 25.2% of students achieved grade A or higher; in 2020,...
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