Benefits of Tutoring

Discover how personalised tutoring can unlock your child's full academic potential.
Sunday, April 21st, 2013

What Background Checks Are Needed on Private Tutors?

Advice to parents on the most important security checks they or their private tutoring agency need to make when hiring a private tutor. Full-time private tuition can ensure your child receives the best education possible, and many UHNW families are taking this approach to fit in with travel, security concerns or international relocation. However, hiring a private tutor and carrying...
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Monday, April 8th, 2013

Should You Let Your Child Choose Their Private Tutor? Tutors International Says It Should Always be Family Decision

Tutoring agency, Tutors International, published an article today that looks at who should be involved in the recruitment process for a private tutor, and what they should look for in the ideal candidate. Nearly all homeschool tutoring candidates will look excellent on paper, with exemplary qualifications and vast experience, so sifting through the list needs to invoke other criteria. Adam...
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Friday, April 5th, 2013

How to Find The Right Private Tutor

Once you have decided that hiring a full-time private tutor is the way forward to educate your child, you need to determine how to conduct the recruitment process. A reputable private tutoring agency is best placed to understand what you need and what to look for in a tutor, but here are some guidelines to finding the right private tutor...
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Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

Why Tutor-Proof Exams Don’t Exist

Private tutoring agency, Tutors International, reacted to recent attempts to create a ‘tutor-proof’ exam by claiming that no test can be resistant to the skills that a good private tutor provides to students. Tutors International, one of the world’s leading tuition agencies, who provide full-time private tutors to UHNWIs, announced today that contrary to attempts to develop an 11-Plus exam...
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Monday, January 21st, 2013

Is the UK Failing to Take the Export of Knowledge Seriously?

Private tutoring agency, Tutors International, reported today that they are concerned about the export of knowledge as a valuable asset “For Britain to compete the with the rest of the world, we need to improve the academic standards of our graduates,” commented Adam Caller, founder of Tutors International, a leading provider of high calibre private tutors around the world. “The...
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Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

The Big Con: Parental pressure on private tutors to cheat for their students

It’s no wonder that some private tutors give in to temptation and complete their students’ homework for them. Even I did it once, and in the process learned valuable lessons about dealing with parental pressure. I read an article recently about ‘corrupt’ private tutors: former paragons of educational virtue who swiftly succumb to avarice and deception, and then abandon their...
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Monday, December 10th, 2012

‘All Private Tutoring Agencies are Not Made the Same’, argues Adam Caller

Most tutoring agencies are not delivering the bespoke recruitment service they promise, according to Tutors International. Bespoke recruitment ensures the best placement for tutor and client, not a database-driven ‘best-match’ approach. Tutors International, one of the world’s foremost home tutor placement companies, today reported that client families are being ‘misled’ by some tuition agencies into believing that ‘it doesn’t matter...
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Sunday, December 2nd, 2012

You Can Teach Your Child to Be James Bond

Budding James Bond: Your 14-year-old son may not be old enough to order a martini, but you can still start him on a glamorous, thrilling career in espionage. Homeschooling allows for more control over your child’s education. More and more families are electing to home-school their offspring, setting the academic agenda themselves, instead of conforming to the national curriculum.
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