
Our extraordinary approach leads to extraordinary outcomes. Reviews from our Clients commend and celebrate the life-changing impact that our tutors and expertise have had on their families.

We are very happy with our tutor, he and W work so well together. We wish him to continue. He is absolutely brilliant.

Just thought I would let you know that D. got into Berkeley University

and is off to California in August.

I think it's fair to say all is going well. [The Tutor] is very pro-active and has secured assurances that [the Student] will be able to sit some exams before year end. [The Student] is happy and seems to be applying himself well.

We are pleased with [the Student]'s progress and his new found enthusiasm for English studies. I think [the Student] is responding well as [the Tutor] has a quietly assertive nature with [the Student] and also, with us sometimes too. I think this works well.

[The Tutor] is great! Perfect match! [The Students] are very happy! Parents as well! Thx for the great help!!!

I'm not sure whether [the Tutor] will have advised you already of the final results. P achieved 9 A*s ; A in Latin ; A in Further Maths paper.

An excellent set of results. We're delighted with the outcome, which was made possible through our use of your firm.

Many thanks for your help in finding B. It was certainly a worthwhile investment for us.

We are all very happy about the progress and the boys are extremely excited to go to school. Never a word of refusal. Unfortunately we missed one day of school this week (yesterday) and both boys did not like that at all. Good sign!

We as parents are happy so far as well.

My husband and I have been very impressed with [the Tutor]'s maturity, wisdom and insight into our son's issues. He is very astute and has made many observations that we had not considered or thought about. Our son already really likes him and after 2 days said that he wanted to work exclusively with [the Tutor]. as ' I really feel he can understand how my brain is and how I feel.' All 3 children have expressed how happy they are that he has joined the team and seem to really like his approach.

We have just received this letter [from Harrow] ... and I wanted you to be able to share the moment.

"Please pass on my personal congratulations on genuinely worthy success in an exceptionally talented and strong field of candidates"

It is just the sort of boost that [the Student] needs at the moment!!

Congratulations and thank you for all your efforts.

I can say how much having J. in our lives has been a blessing for our family. We are working thru our curricula and the kids one by one to really understand the scope of the job we have before us. I truly feel that J. will be a wonderful partner in this process. He has already jumped in with training and testing.

We are so fortunate to have found your agency. Look forward to many years together.

Once we finish this trip it is our intention for [the Student] to return to school full time from September as he will be entering high school.

W. has learnt so much from this experience and [the Tutor] has been an incredible teacher. His and [the Student]'s relationship has been very positive.

If our plans change in any way, as we know they can. we will certainly use your services again. It has been an extremely positive experience for us all.

It's early days but the early signs are amazing, I have never seen [the Student] as inspired about his education and studies, he came home with his results from a small maths test that he took earlier in the week and actually showed us that he managed to achieve an A. (he has never done this before)

We have just arrived home from a meeting at the school. It's the first time that I have spoken with the school since receiving the email from them that connected us all together and they have expressed the amazement in the change they have seen in under one week.

Anyway so far so good, it seems that in considering [the Tutor] you made the correct decision and he is exactly what [the Student] requires.

Our new beginning is so far going really well. Kids are happy and tutors seem to be settling in really well. They're working well as a team and kids are really enjoying learning with them, which is brilliant..

It's been a great start! We are so grateful to Tutors International for creating this opportunity for us!

Words can never express how grateful I am for all you have done for my son in the past few months. He is quite a different young man today in comparison to last year - calm, confident, assertive and, most of all, happy!

That seems to have nothing to do with the outcome of the exams which is, of course, still up in the air. But he is so convinced and satisfied that he did well in the exams, and that appears to be most important.

It's amazing! He knows he can make it, now and in the future, because he has learned the skills to master the subjects. Foundamentally, it is a sense of being in control. I am sure that in the past few months, he has learned not only Chemistry and Biology of Cells, but also the skills that put him in control of his future studies and career - motivation, will power, self-discipline, time management, organization, perseverance ....

Regardless of the outcome of these exams, you have succeeded in bringing out the best in him and given him a chance to know that, when he puts his mind to it, there will be no limit to what he can achieve.

I really cannot thank you enough for your superb tutoring and mentorship which are heartily appreciated.

We are exceedingly thankful for the kindest and most generous support given to our son in the past few months, not only from both of you, but also from those who extended their helping hands at critical moments when external, objective assessments as well as senior advice were desperately needed.

Going amazing. [The Tutor] has got my son figured out, and we are really enjoying her company too. We’re SO much happier under her care than in public school. I feel relieved knowing that in this one-on-one format he’s getting everything he needs to catch up and to excel.

A million thank-yous.

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