Tutors International, full-time residential private tuition specialists, recently joined forces with The Celebrity Personal Assistant Network to promote its services to a clientele of high-net-worth families throughout the world.
OXFORD, UK: Tutors International is renowned for placing world-class educators into private residential tutoring positions all around the world. In a recent development, the elite private tutoring company invested in an Ultra-VIP advertising package with The Celebrity Personal Assistant Network, an American firm which provides staffing for ultra-high-net-worth individuals and their families.
The Celebrity Personal Assistant Network was founded in 2007 by veteran celebrity assistant Brian Daniel, who has worked with Hollywood A-list, American aristocracy, billionaires, and royalty. He is now a staffing consultant, career coach, and executive coach. Mr Daniel’s firm specialises in providing celebrities and high-net-worth families with world-class staff throughout North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East, which explains why he was keen to form a relationship with Tutors International.
Mr Daniel elaborates: “For a while, I've been wanting to get more mileage out of my website by having some more branding with a vendor that complements my website”. So, what is it that distinguishes Tutors International from other tutor placement companies?
Elite Residential Tuition: Academic Excellence and Personalised Curricula
Adam Caller, CEO and Founder of Tutors International, sheds some light on why Tutors International is considered to be a world-leader in private tuition: “We are not merely a placement agency; we offer guidance and support in the achievement of academic goals, working with both Clients and their Tutors to ensure a world-class private education of the highest professional and academic standards”.
He continues: “Unlike almost all other tutoring companies, Tutors International conducts a customised global search for every Tutor, as per each individual Client’s specifications. This personalised service and attention to detail ensure that the private home tutor and the family are perfectly matched and that the ideal tutor is working in each placement”.
World’s Best Tutors
The tutors employed by Tutors International are matched with their students by means of a completely tailored recruitment process with placements that might take them to various destinations around the world. Tutors International claims that it excels at finding the world’s best tutors. With this in mind, we asked a number of its current employees to describe their tutoring experiences in an attempt to discover what sets them apart. It was evident from the tutors’ responses that each of them was able to use their extraordinary experiences to enhance their teaching, adjusting their expectations and teaching methods so that each of their students was able to learn to the best of their ability.
Integrity and confidentiality are central to the Tutors International ethos, and so the identities of the tutors and their Clients have not been revealed.
The Life of a Private Tutor: No Two Days Are the Same
One tutor describes how her tutoring placements necessitated being open to frequent changes in her teaching timetable and in her teaching style:
“There is no such thing as a typical day! While in all my roles I have had always had a routine and timetable in place – one of the myriad advantages of working one-on-one/one-to-few is the ability to adapt and be flexible depending on the needs of the student(s), family and environment”.
“While working on a 67m sailing yacht with two primary-aged boys, our planned routine was formal schooling in the designated onboard classroom in the mornings, and activities in the afternoons. The latter varied hugely on where we were: from horse-riding, beachcombing, kayaking, snorkelling and exploring when anchored up; to sanding the teak or baking on sea days. Then there were full day excursions where no formal schooling took place – but the learning experience involved trekking up an active volcano or spending the day with local land diving villagers on Pentecost Island”.
“The same is true of most land-based roles I have worked on. A timetable is put in place and adhered to when it works for everyone. But if a student is curious about a particular concept or idea, then the freedom to follow that curiosity and explore more in depth is another perk of this personally tailored approach to education”.
“I have been fortunate enough to travel in many positions and even organised a three-month round-the-world itinerary with two of my students. As a big believer in the learning experiences afforded by the exposure to different places, cultures and languages, the opportunity to travel is another of the huge benefits of having a private tutor. Whilst moving, the more formal classroom hours are few and far between; the learning becomes more experiential and location-oriented”.
“Suffice to say, there is nothing typical about being a tutor!”, she concludes.
Being prepared for impromptu changes to routine is clearly commonplace in the life of a private tutor, endorsed here by another tutor who refers to the spontaneity that a travelling tutor can experience:
“Flexibility is key! I have been in four countries in one day before now - I've also had someone knock on my hotel door at 5am with a quick: ‘Change of plan, we're leaving in 10 minutes, not at 9am’, message - but it's all utterly exhilarating and keeps you on your toes!”
“Being a travelling/residential tutor, you become part of a household - yes, you're the educator, but you're also the mentor, occasional nanny, shoulder to cry on, confidante and travel buddy - naturally, no two days can be the same in such a multifaceted role with a plethora of ever-changing requirements”.
“Of course, you need to be highly organised and have a plan/structure - but the ability to adapt allows you to make the most of each and every teaching and learning opportunity”.

Uninterrupted Learning on the Move
Caller revealed that many of his Clients have families who travel between multiple homes around the world and who don’t want to be restricted to living in one location because of their children’s schooling:
“They may be based in New York, have a yacht in France and a house in Mexico and in South Africa, and they want to use them all,” Caller explains. “They know that education is important; with home schooling and a tutor, they can travel wherever they want and still get to be with their children”.
Caller elaborates on his point: “Full-time home tuition completely solves the challenges for a travelling family. Home tuition with a personalised tutor can incorporate transferable skills, Project-Based Learning (PBL) and development in personal growth”.
“There can be difficulties in reconciling globalisation and individual cultural identity. A private tutor can bridge theses dichotomies. By incorporating place and global learning into their teaching, our tutors contextualise their student's learning, whilst being able to honour the culture, values and attitudes of the household in which they teach”.
It’s Not All Jet-Setting and Adventures!
Being a private tutor to the rich can have its downsides too. Another Tutors International educator has never lived in one place for more than three years. In his current position, his day might see him accompanying the family to Florida, London or New York. He also describes how the unpredictability of the parents’ desires for their child means that the ability to keep calm under pressure can be a useful quality to possess:
“The emotional dynamics can sometimes prove difficult”, he admits. “Clients may need anything at a moment’s notice and you have to get it right the first time. So there’s not a whole lot of patience for error. It’s difficult to navigate what parents want for their kids when often, they don’t seem to know themselves and there’s the added complication that their child’s former school may not have communicated to them what areas need addressing”.
“You can forget about consistency”, the tutor continues, “I may have an academic outline for the day but nine times out of ten, it won’t go to plan”. He stresses the importance of adaptability in the face of daily hiccups. “A private tutor will get to know their student and their family very well”, he explains. “Whilst in a classroom setting, a teacher won’t know that a child’s parents have had a row for example, but a private tutor will, so they can adjust their teaching and daily plan accordingly to adapt to the situation”.
Parents may also have unrealistic expectations for tutors, especially when it comes to helping their children get into the best colleges. Our tutor expands on this:
“The parents of one of my students were very keen for me to help her graduate from university; she had started to have difficulties in the first semester because of learning disabilities. The only problem was her major was not a subject in which I took any coursework at university. I found I had to study the subject myself in order to be able to teach it to her effectively, but without the benefit of sitting in the classroom and listening to the professor.”
Looking After the Interests of both Client and Tutor
Tutors International requires constant feedback and performance reports from both their tutors and their Clients to try and keep everyone happy. It also provides a unique service where an account manager is on hand to support Clients and tutors for the duration of the contract period. Tutors International is the only private tutoring company in the world offering this level of personalised service.
If you are interested in employing a private tutor, please contact us now. If you are a tutor who would like to be considered for employment with Tutors International, you can find more information here: https://www.tutors-international.net/