CEO, Education Consultant and Founder of Tutors International, Adam Caller, celebrates the success of Tutors International’s students in this year’s public exams and explains why employing a full-time, residential private tutor often leads to a successful educational outcome.
OXFORD, UK: Education Consultant, Adam Caller, is the CEO and Founder of elite tuition company Tutors International. A former teacher with extensive tutoring experience and a private tutoring industry expert, he is a prominent and authoritative voice on private tuition and the education sector in general.
Widespread Success For Tutors International Students
Mr Caller maintains that a full-time residential home tutor is the best way to ensure a first-rate education and substantiates his claim by highlighting the outstanding educational success for all of their home-schooled students in this year’s public examinations:
“I am thrilled and proud to announce that one hundred percent of our GCSE students achieved the highest grades across the board and, moreover, that every one of our A Level students was accepted for a place at the university of their choice”.
Mr Caller takes issue with the tutoring companies who supplement the child’s schooling by only a few hours a week and then claim that the student’s success is down to them, despite the fact that the brunt of the work has been done previously by the school:
“These companies mislead parents into believing that they are getting value for money when that is simply not the case,” he protests. “They are not the main provider in the child’s education whereas Tutors International is very often the only provider. This means our claims to effectiveness are more valid and we can quite rightly claim the credit for that child’s success. I am able to say with absolute conviction that the reason these young people were able to achieve their educational potential is entirely due to the fact that their parents made the decision to employ a full-time private tutor from Tutors International”.
Detrimental Effects of the Part-time Tutor to a Child’s Education
Mr Caller further believes that, rather than of benefit to the child’s education, part-time tutoring with its irregular or changeable teaching patterns, can be disorientating for children:
“I have to disabuse those parents who believe that employing a part-time tutor to supplement their child’s education for a few weeks before exams will help them achieve success. In actual fact, there is relatively little benefit in doing this. Most of the hard work will have been done by the school and the student at this point and so there will be no discernible added value in cramming with a part-time tutor”.
“Based on my experience in the teaching industry, part-time tutoring can lead to inconsistent lesson planning and unclear communication channels between pupils, parents and staff which only serves to undermine the educational experience for the child concerned”.
Why Employ a Full-Time Private Tutor?
The benefits of appointing a residential full-time private tutor are endless, according to Mr Caller:
“One-to-one tuition means the child is the sole focus of teaching time. A good private tutor, particularly a full-time private tutor, will be able to closely monitor and respond to the individual needs, talents and progress of a child. This is much harder to do in mainstream schooling. It’s particularly helpful for children who struggle with the one-size-fits-all approach of mainstream schools, where they may experience bullying, have special educational needs or are gifted and talented”.
Nurturing Vocational and Educational Success
“Many young people will have interests and talents that lie outside of the core curriculum,” continues Mr Caller. “For some of these it will be the start of their careers. Whether they are musicians, artists, actors, athletes or train in another vocational practice, this will often take up more time and dedication than traditional schooling will allow. This should not mean that young people pursue their goals at the expense of a superior education. For this reason, a full-time private tutor offers flexibility and a high-quality, strengths-based education, without compromising on focused training. A tutor can be efficient and focused in their teaching, and work around the best times for the child and the family”.
Neither should parents be concerned that not having access to school facilities will impact on their child’s potential for success in subjects like art, drama, sport or music. Mr Caller explains:
“We regularly have students who need to conduct laboratory experiments, follow a sporting regime, compile an art portfolio or create musical compositions as part of their curriculum. Having a full-time private tutor does not mean that success in these areas is compromised. Our students have achieved top grades because their private tutor has found them an expert in their field to work collaboratively with them. Tutors International has recruited tutors with equestrian experience, sailing qualifications and even diving expertise. No matter how specialist the vocation, a bespoke tutor will be found to accommodate it alongside academic teaching”.

Mr Caller makes it clear that a full-time home tutor is the key to nurturing vocational goals alongside an exceptional academic education:
“One young man in Italy wanted to become a tennis professional and was unable to fit his tennis training around standard schooling. His parents wanted him to attend a full-time training facility without any reduction in the quality of his education. Tutors International sourced the perfect tutor for him. The tutor prepared the boy for a full range of GCSEs, which the boy passed at A* and A, and then the parents opted for a US College. This meant a change of tutor to the US system. The boy was then accepted to Columbia – all whilst committing to dedicated tennis training”.
“The right home tutor works with the family's lifestyle and goals, and nurtures whatever aptitudes and talents their student wishes to pursue. Many parents feel that when their child exhibits a natural gift for an extra-curricular endeavour, that they have to choose whether to pursue that path or continue with academic study. Making the choice to employ a personalised full-time home tutor permits greater agency over what young people wish to pursue and does so without parents feeling that if they encourage vocational endeavours then it is at the expense of a superlative education”.
Tutors International: World-Class Educators in Home Tuition
The world-class standards of Tutors International make them the best choice for tailored home tuition in the premium education market. They remain the industry gold standard, operating all over the world to provide families with exceptional private tutors, who are perfectly matched to their individual needs.
If you are looking at ways to maximise your child’s educational or vocational potential or find a flexible and customised approach to education for your family, make a preliminary enquiry with Tutors International today: