"Game-Changers in Elite Education": Tutors International Release Comments from Clients and Educators Showcasing Why They Are No Ordinary Tutoring Company

"Game-Changers in Elite Education": Tutors International Release Comments from Clients and Educators Showcasing Why They Are No Ordinary Tutoring Company

Providers of an elite education: Private residential tuition specialists, Tutors International, share experiences from their Tutors and Clients that demonstrate why they have been dubbed the ‘Dom Perignon’ of tutoring companies.

The ‘Dom Perignon’ of Tutoring Companies

OXFORD, UK: Tutors International (TI) are a private tutoring company specialising in finding the perfect full-time residential tutor for HNW families. As well as conducting customised recruitment processes for each Client enquiry, their ability to innovate in the tutoring market has set them apart from other high-end tutoring companies. After spotting a niche in the market, they launched Sea Tutors to supply elite tutors onboard yachts and superyachts. They've also recruited micro-school coordinators in the Puerto-Rican mountains, specialist SEN tutors, and academic-vocational hybrid tutors. This highly specialist service, tailored approach, and exclusive client base earned Tutors International the epithet, ‘the Dom Perignon of tutoring companies’ (The Good Schools Guide). Their tutors and clients alike have shared why TI are deserving of this title.

Supporting Elite Tutoring Careers

Founder and CEO, Adam Caller, has been vocal about the importance of considering tutoring as a distinct practice in its own right rather than a tangential profession to mainstream teaching. Despite teaching and tutoring having a shared intersection of skills, requirements and experiences, aspects of tutoring demand separate recognition and approaches. Tutors International believes tutoring to be a pedagogical career in its own right that requires slightly different skills, qualifications and personality types to teaching. One tutor in Luxembourg states that one of the things that set Tutors International apart is "the ‘career’ nature of the work and the long contracts”.

As well as advocating for a specialist tutoring qualification and official tutoring Charter, TI also respects the work of superlative tutors by paying them some of the best salaries in the industry, compared to most other tutoring companies. Mr Caller has defended the so-called 'super tutor' salary and rejects the term ‘super tutor itself as it misunderstands the role of elite tutors.

Tutors International defends its salaries on two key accounts: the kind of tutor it attracts (i.e., the best in the world) and the unparalleled tailored service it provides.

A tutor on placement in Germany says, “Tutors International offers very high pay for the tutors. Also, when relocating abroad, accommodation (and sometimes local transportation) is included, which makes the job very attractive.”

Another tutor in Italy corroborates that the service justifies the tutor fees: “TI matches the perfect tutor to every student so that the background of the tutor can support the diverse interests and needs of each client.  More than just subject support, we engage learners to achieve their very best and become a major part of our students lives as we support them full time in the pursuit of their goals.” In other words, they are so much more than just a tutor, therefore they are worth so much more than a sub-par salary.

Attention to Detail

Garnering a thorough idea of the needs, values, requirements and circumstances of the Client is integral to providing the perfect tutor-student match. Along with academic excellence, it’s the driving force behind delivering high-quality personalised education.

A tutor in London states, “Tutors International has a tailor-made and holistic approach to education. There is an emphasis on learning through memorable experiences as opposed to tuition for the sole purpose of passing exams.” 

Client Experience

One tutor on placement in Austria succinctly summarised why Tutors International’s superior Client experience goes hand in hand with supporting tutors:

“I would say the main aspect that makes Tutors International stand out against other tutoring companies would be the fact that it is catered to a very specific, premium market.  As a result, they have a reduced clientele, so they are able to give a high-quality, personalised experience to all.  There is continued communication and support throughout the whole contract period, for both the tutor and the client, not just in the hiring stages.”

A tutor in Hong Kong corroborates, stating that the thing that makes Tutors International a cut above the rest is “the level of care and attention that goes into every aspect of the way the company is run from the application and matching process to the admin. There is so much support and advice from Adam in creating the best educational experiences and outcomes.”

Tutors International’s Clients are always delighted with how the tutors complement their lifestyle, no matter how unusual the circumstances. One Client with two of TI’s ‘sea tutors’ said:

“We are thrilled with J and R [the Tutors]. They arrived at the boat fully packed and prepped, with three different year levels organized. Amazing the diversity of stuff they brought - ready to cover all bases. They are very bright and great with the girls… and good company for us.”

Transforming Lives With an Elite Education

The combination of superlative standards and tailored matches means the elite education provided by Tutors International’s tutors extends far beyond the curriculum. A Client in New York details how Tutors International transformed their son:

“It’s hard to imagine that W [the student] could have had a finer education last year. He learned so much, to write incisively and to think critically and creatively. He went way beyond completing his required senior courses (for example, reading sixteen books, which were not on the syllabus). Most important the experience with Tutors International turned him into a real student.”

The benefits of full-time residential tutoring recalibrate the families’ expectations about education. One Client in the UK explains: “Having a tutor was completely new to us and it has been a fantastic experience. The girls have just grown in their confidence and their abilities. They have experienced so much in this time that I wonder if school may be a bit boring for them.”

Adam Caller

Founder and CEO, Adam Caller, is an educational consultant and private tutoring expert. With 22 years in the private tutoring sector, he has perfected the process for sourcing bespoke tutoring solutions for HNW and UHNW families, and delivering elite education solutions. Mr Caller offers comment on how Tutors International have remained a cut above the rest when it comes to global tutoring companies:

“The level of customised recruitment that Tutors International offers, combined with the ongoing support to both Tutors and Clients for the duration of their contracts, is what has always set us apart. As companies grow and globalise, it often comes at the expense of a personalised and exceptional service. We have always been determined not to let that happen. As a result, we have tutors and Clients from all over the world whilst also maintaining a world-class personalised service.

“Not only am I a former teacher but I am also a former full-time private tutor, so I have a thorough understanding of the industry and have exemplary education at the core of the Tutors International ethos. Understanding each child’s individual talents and needs and subsequently catering for those is what makes full-time private tuition and homeschooling a superior and increasingly popular solution for many families with the means to use our service.

"With 22 years as industry leaders, we have an impeccable reputation that precedes us, but it is our ongoing commitment to be at the forefront of high-quality tailored tuition that maintains our position as world leaders in this field. We continue to be game-changers in elite education."

Private Tutoring Solutions

If you are seeking elite education solutions and are considering private tutoring for your family, you can make a preliminary enquiry and read our information brochure in full.

It takes a very capable, highly experienced and academically excellent tutor to be successful in applying for a Tutors International placement, but if you are that high-quality educator, you can apply for Tutors International’s current vacancies here: www.tutors-international.net

About Tutors International

Tutors International provides an unparalleled tutoring service that matches the right tutor with the right child, in order for the student to fully reach their personal potential and academic excellence. Providing a service for children of all ages at different points in their educational journeys, Tutors International is a reputable tutoring company founded on a commitment to finding the perfect tutor to realise the specific goals and aspirations of each student. Tutors are available for residential full-time positions, after-school assistance, and homeschooling.

Founded in 1999 by Adam Caller, Tutors International is a private company based in Oxford, a city renowned for academic excellence. Our select clientele receives a personally tailored service, with discretion and confidentiality guaranteed.

Contact Details

Web: www.tutors-international.com

Email: marketing@tutors-international.com

Phone: +44 (0) 1865 435 135

Tutors International

Clarendon House

52 Cornmarket Street




  • Tutors International provides an unparalleled tutoring service that matches the right tutor with the right child, in order for the student to fully reach their personal potential and academic excellence.
  • Providing a service for children of all ages at different points in their educational journeys, Tutors International is a reputable tutoring company founded on a commitment to finding the perfect tutor to realise the specific goals and aspirations of each student.
  • Private Tutors are available for residential full-time positions, after-school assistance, and homeschooling.
  • Founded in 1999 by Adam Caller, Tutors International is a private company based in Oxford, a city renowned for academic excellence. Our select clientele receives a personally tailored service, with discretion and confidentiality guaranteed.

Contact Us

If you would like a Tutor, please fill in this form and we will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your requirements in detail.

Alternatively, you can reach us by calling +44 1865 435 135.

If you are a tutor, please go to our tutor site.

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We know that the cost of our services might be beyond your means. If this is the case, we recommend that you explore other options.

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