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Monday, June 10th, 2013

Avoid Desperate Waiting List Antics with SAT Tuition and College <b>...</b>

Private SAT tuition may be the way into America’s Ivy League colleges, says Tutors International. The company, who have been placing full-time private tutors with clients around the world since 1999, have recently expanded their …
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Monday, June 10th, 2013

Home Schooling Skyrockets in the US - Christian Broadcasting Network

Home Schooling: Home Schooling Skyrockets in the US Christian Broadcasting Network Dr. Brian Ray of the National Home Education Research Institute said the increase is partly because the large number of children home-schooled in the 1990s are now home-schooling their own children. Currently, 4 percent of all school-age children are …
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Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

Wealth Managers Benefit HNW Clients With Extended Support into Domestic Affairs, Including Education Consultancy

Tutors International report a rise in enquiries from private wealth managers they extend their services beyond financial and investment management and into lifestyle and domestic affairs. World-leading provider of full-time private tutors and travelling tutors, Tutors International, reported an increased number of enquiries for private tuition from wealth managers on behalf of their clients. Wealth managers typically coordinate estate planning,...
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Monday, May 20th, 2013

Educating Third-Culture Kids: Global Corporations Support Relocation for Employees and Families But Don’t Have the Expertise to Advise on International Education

Tutors International publishes advice for relocation services, international employees and expatriates on schooling in other countries. Tutors International doesn’t believe that companies or relocation services understand international education options or have the ability to offer sound advice on schooling employee’s children in a new country. Adam Caller, founder of leading private tuition provider Tutors International and independent education consultant, has...
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Monday, May 20th, 2013

Educating Third-Culture Kids: Global Corporations Support Relocation for ... - PR Web (press release)

Educating Third-Culture Kids: Global Corporations Support Relocation for … PR Web (press release) Adam Caller, founder of leading private tuition provider Tutors International and independent education consultant, has published advice to parents on education options for their children during extended periods of travelling abroad. Mr. Caller … and more »
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Sunday, April 21st, 2013

What Background Checks Are Needed on Private Tutors?

Advice to parents on the most important security checks they or their private tutoring agency need to make when hiring a private tutor. Full-time private tuition can ensure your child receives the best education possible, and many UHNW families are taking this approach to fit in with travel, security concerns or international relocation. However, hiring a private tutor and carrying...
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Monday, April 8th, 2013

Should You Let Your Child Choose Their Private Tutor? Tutors International Says It Should Always be Family Decision

Tutoring agency, Tutors International, published an article today that looks at who should be involved in the recruitment process for a private tutor, and what they should look for in the ideal candidate. Nearly all homeschool tutoring candidates will look excellent on paper, with exemplary qualifications and vast experience, so sifting through the list needs to invoke other criteria. Adam...
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Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

Travelling with Private Tutors Provides Flexibility and a Richer Education, say Tutors International

Travelling with private tutors: more UHNWIs are hiring a private tutor to travel with them – providing a richer, broader education for children and more flexibility for parents Tutors International, who place full-time private tutors with HNW and UHNW families around the world, today reported that they have seen an increase in the number of clients employing homeschool tutors to...
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Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

Why Tutor-Proof Exams Don’t Exist

Private tutoring agency, Tutors International, reacted to recent attempts to create a ‘tutor-proof’ exam by claiming that no test can be resistant to the skills that a good private tutor provides to students. Tutors International, one of the world’s leading tuition agencies, who provide full-time private tutors to UHNWIs, announced today that contrary to attempts to develop an 11-Plus exam...
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Monday, February 18th, 2013

“Full-Time Private Tutors Should Do More Than Help Kids With Their Homework” say Tutors International

Tutors International responded to a NYTimes article that reported that private tutors are frequently asked to assist the family with other tasks by claiming that families should make more use of their full-time tutor. In a recent article published in the New York Times, one home tutor reports on his duties: “I was also [my student’s] driver and his chaperone...
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Monday, February 11th, 2013

Tutors International Expands US College Preparation Services in UK

Private tutoring agency, Tutors International, reported today that they are formally expanding their provision of coaching and US college preparation services with the appointment of Nathaniel Hannan. Tutors International, one of the world’s leading full-time private tutoring agencies, have announced the expansion of their London-based services that specialise in US college preparation services for UK students. Private tutor and Notre...
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Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

The Big Con: Parental pressure on private tutors to cheat for their students

It’s no wonder that some private tutors give in to temptation and complete their students’ homework for them. Even I did it once, and in the process learned valuable lessons about dealing with parental pressure. I read an article recently about ‘corrupt’ private tutors: former paragons of educational virtue who swiftly succumb to avarice and deception, and then abandon their...
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Monday, December 17th, 2012

SEN in Independent Schools Found Wanting as Private Tuition Increases

Home tuition company, Tutors International, announce their busiest month since forming the company in 1999, with the majority of enquiries for private special educational needs (SEN) tutors after private schools fail to identify and address learning difficulties. Leaders in private home tutoring, Tutors International, have reported a record month for placements of their elite private tutors, with a significant rise...
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Monday, December 10th, 2012

‘All Private Tutoring Agencies are Not Made the Same’, argues Adam Caller

Most tutoring agencies are not delivering the bespoke recruitment service they promise, according to Tutors International. Bespoke recruitment ensures the best placement for tutor and client, not a database-driven ‘best-match’ approach. Tutors International, one of the world’s foremost home tutor placement companies, today reported that client families are being ‘misled’ by some tuition agencies into believing that ‘it doesn’t matter...
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