CEO, Education Consultant and Founder of Tutors International, Adam Caller, will take the stage at the 2022 Prestel and Partner Family Office Forum in London next week along with his colleague, account manager, Joanna Dunckley Phillips. Here, we examine their background in the private tuition sector.
OXFORD, UK: Adam Caller, CEO of elite private tutoring company Tutors International and his colleague, account manager, Joanna Dunckley Phillips, will take to the stage on Tuesday 21st June in a 30-minute question and answer session. Both Mr Caller and Ms Dunckley Phillips will draw on their considerable experience in the private tuition field, both as former private tutors themselves and from working on the managerial side, and will enlighten their audience on the advantages of high-end specialist private tuition.
Tutors International
Tutors International offers a unique service, recruiting outstanding educators to work as live-in private tutors with families worldwide. It provides tutors for a range of educational circumstances: full-time homeschooling, children needing extra support, families relocating abroad or those who travel. It takes a great deal of trouble in recruiting for these placements, and offers ongoing support to both family and tutor. They work with a wide range of children, those who require extra support and those who will benefit from being extended academically. They also help where a family’s lifestyle makes for a difficult ‘fit’ with standard schooling.
What distinguishes Tutors International from other private tuition companies is the provision of an aftercare service where an account manager is on hand to support clients and tutors for the duration of the contract period. They are the only private tutoring company in the world offering this level of personalised service.
Tutors International has established its prestigious reputation by conducting specialist global searches for each client’s specific needs, meaning the tutor who gets the job is undoubtedly the most qualified and the best fit for the student. They find not just the world’s best tutors, but the world’s best tutor for each specific child.
Adam Caller
Founder of Tutors International, Adam Caller, began teaching in 1987 while still an undergraduate at Glasgow University and received his teaching qualification from the University of York in 1991. He then taught in the private and state sectors for many years before a period as Project Manager on an ambitious eLearning platform. This was followed by a long period as a full-time private tutor to prestigious families in England and around the world. Mr Caller has received specialist training in the non-medicinal management of dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder and is very sensitive to children’s educational needs.
Now, a well-respected educational consultant and private tutoring expert with over twenty five years in the private tutoring sector, Mr Caller has perfected the process for sourcing bespoke tutoring solutions for HNW and UHNW families, and delivering elite education solutions.
Mr Caller recalls:
“In 1999, disappointed by the options that Clients and Tutors faced with regard full time provision, I founded Tutors International LLP, a specialist private tutoring agency based in Oxford. The world leaders in custom-designed private education, Tutors International provides tuition to an elite and highly selective clientele. Not merely a placement agency, Tutors International offers guidance and support in the achievement of academic goals, working with both Clients and their Tutors to ensure a world-class private education of the highest professional and academic standards”.
Mr Caller adds:
“In private tutoring, we see time after time how focusing on a child’s individual interests and talents, and adapting teaching styles and lesson planning to compliment them, results in a child who is more interested and eager to learn. Tutors International deals with clients who are looking for ‘outside the box’ thinkers when selecting their private tutors. They want someone who can expose their child to a wide range of topics, concepts and ideas from an early age, and use new advancements in technology to their learning advantage. They want someone who can ‘move with the times’, and this paves the way for some very exciting job opportunities for forward thinking tutors, worldwide”.
“Joanna and I are very excited to be able to share some of our personal experiences with the Family Office Forum audience but of course, we will be very careful to respect and protect the privacy of our families at all times. Tutors International prides itself on the professionalism and discretion of all its employees”.

Joanna Dunckley Phillips
Joanna Dunckley Phillips has worked as a tutor for Tutors International for over a decade, so she is very familiar with how the company is run, its recruitment process and ethos.
Her position as Account Manager involves looking after specific contracts and liaising with clients and tutors to ensure the smooth running of the close relationships this kind of residential tutoring engenders.
Joanna shares her thoughts about transitioning from the tutoring side of the business to the account management side:
“I have worked as a tutor for TI for over 10 years now. This means I know the process from the ‘other side’ very well. I have been fortunate enough to travel in many positions and even organised a three-month round-the-world itinerary with two of my students. As a big believer in the learning experiences afforded by the exposure to different places, cultures and languages, the opportunity to travel is another of the huge benefits of having a private tutor. Whilst moving, the more formal classroom hours are few and far between; the learning becomes more experiential and location-oriented”.
“These experiences have enabled me to understand the dynamics that form between tutors, their charges and the clients. This allows me to better support the team that are on the ground (parents/clients and tutors) working with the child/ren.”
Ms Dunkley Phillips attended the Family Office Forum in 2021 and was impressed with the organisation of the conference:
“It was a very smoothly run couple of days at a lovely venue. We met lots of very interesting people at the top of their game exchanging ideas, knowledge and expertise across a wide range of topics, enjoyed some fascinating discussions about many different aspects of education and where and when our personally-tailored services can be so beneficial”.
She continues:
“It was evident that many people were completely unaware of the services that Tutors international offered and so attending the forum allowed us to increase our visibility as an excellent, bespoke alternative to a traditional, location-constrained education. I’m looking forward to this year’s conference and to the 30-minute question and answer session with Adam. If last year’s discussion is anything to go by, it should prove very entertaining and informative for all those attending”.
Prestel & Partner Family Office Forum 2022
The 2022 Prestel & Partner Family Office Forum will take place on the 21st and 22nd of June at The Corinthia. Tutors International will feature in the ‘Modern Times and Your Personal Life’ section of the programme on the 21st at 2.50 pm. If you would like to hear more from Mr Caller and Ms Dunckley Phillips and learn more about the private tuition sector, you can book a place at the conference by following the instructions on page 11 of the 2022 conference agenda.