Travelling Tutors

Enrich your children’s journey with a friend and mentor that inspires a love of learning and curiosity about the world.

At Tutors International, we believe that the best education won’t be found in the classroom. Imagine your children receiving an exceptional education while exploring the wonders of the world!

Our private tutors are experts at providing seamless, high-quality tutoring services that travel with your family, turning every journey into an educational adventure.

Why Travel with a Private Tutor?

Learning beyond borders

Travel offers endless opportunities for learning, and our tutors know how to make the most of every moment. From exploring ancient ruins in Rome to studying marine biology while snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef, our tutors integrate real-world experiences with academic excellence, creating a rich and immersive learning environment.

Customised learning adventures

Each child is unique, and so is our approach. Our tutors design custom curriculums that align with your travel itinerary and your child's interests, while ensuring they keep up with what their peers at school are doing. This personalised attention ensures that learning is both fun and effective, fostering a love for knowledge that goes beyond textbooks.

Seamless integration with your travel plans

Forget about rigid school schedules! Our tutors offer flexible learning plans that adapt to your travel schedule, ensuring that your child’s education continues uninterrupted. Whether you’re exploring new cities or relaxing on the beach, learning is always in session.

Benefits of Travelling with a Tutor

  • Global classroom: Turn every destination into a classroom. Learn history in the streets of Paris, geography in the mountains of Peru, and art in the museums of New York.
  • Enhanced cultural awareness: Our tutors incorporate local culture into their lessons, helping your child develop a deep appreciation and understanding of diverse cultures and traditions.
  • Personal growth and confidence: Travelling and learning on the go fosters resilience, adaptability, and confidence in children, equipping them with skills that last a lifetime.
  • Family bonding: Share the joy of learning together. Our tutors can engage the whole family in educational activities, making your travels more enriching and memorable.

Expertise and Excellence

Tutors handpicked to suit your lifestyle

Our rigorous selection process ensures that only the best tutors join your journey. We consider your child's academic needs, personal interests, and your family's lifestyle to find the perfect match.

Holistic support from an educator and mentor

Our tutors are not just educators; they are mentors and companions who enhance every aspect of your travels. We focus on the overall development of your child, including social skills, emotional well-being, and physical activities. Our tutors are dedicated to providing a balanced and holistic educational experience that nurtures your child’s growth in every possible way.

Joanna Dunckley-Phillips, who has tutored with us for many years and has a veritable atlas of placements under her belt, spoke at the Prestel & Partner Family Office Forum last year about the exciting benefits of travelling or relocating with a private tutor.


Families around the world have experienced the transformative impact of travelling with a Tutors International tutor.

We are thrilled with [the Tutors]. They arrived at the boat fully packed and prepped, with three different year levels organized. Amazing the diversity of stuff they brought - ready to cover all bases. They are very bright and great with the girls and good company for us.

It was an incredible experience we had and I'm still getting used to the fact of being back in our old routine. My kids learned a lot travelling with the tutor. Their school work improved also. I'm sure the effects will continue to show as time passes.

Adam's help was invaluable in finding a teacher for our boys. We really appreciated the care he took in getting to know us and our particular requirements before beginning his rigorous interview procedure. Adam was always there for our queries or requests and would not rest until we were fully satisfied with our choice of teacher. On three different occasions he has found us enterprising and highly qualified teachers. I would recommend Tutors International to anyone looking for a pritwittvate tutor.

Success Stories

From achieving academic excellence to discovering new passions, our success stories highlight the endless possibilities that travelling tutors unlock - whether it’s a round-the-world trip or winter in Aspen.

Los Angeles

Part Time, Short Term
Boy (6), Girl (4)
Travel, Unhappy at School
This was a short term position. The Tutor's role was to maintain the children's education relative to their peers while temporarily in Los Angeles. The boy had exceptional memory skills and this was masking a difficulty with reading and learning.
Working with the tutor exposed the hidden learning deficits and largely resolved them. The boy was accepted to an excellent school in his home city of New York and is thriving.


Full Time, Short Term
Boy (11), Boy (10), Boy (8), Boy (8)
Instead of School, Travel
This family winter outside the UK and take their children out of school during the period. Between the children, the full range of school subjects is covered. A tutor was needed to continue the boys' education in a fun and location-appropriate style.
Tutors International supported this Client for 5 months each winter for 4 years until the eldest boy's GCSE preparation was at risk of being too significantly impacted.


Full Time
Girl (12)
Instead of School, Travel
A Tutor was needed to provide a home education for a girl being homeschooled during middle school to allow the family the freedom to travel.
The girl was accepted into her first choice of high school on her return and the family no longer have such itchy feet.


Full Time, Short Term
Boy (11), Boy (10), Boy (8), Boy (8)
Instead of School, Travel
This family winter outside the UK and take their children out of school during the period. Between the children, the full range of school subjects is covered. A tutor was needed to continue the boys' education in a fun and location-appropriate style.
Tutors International supported this Client for 5 months each winter for 4 years until the eldest boy's GCSE preparation was at risk of being too significantly impacted.


Full Time, Short Term
Boy (11), Boy (10), Boy (8), Boy (8)
Instead of School, Travel
This family winter outside the UK and take their children out of school during the period. Between the children, the full range of school subjects is covered. A tutor was needed to continue the boys' education in a fun and location-appropriate style.
Tutors International supported this Client for 5 months each winter for 4 years until the eldest boy's GCSE preparation was at risk of being too significantly impacted.


Full Time, Short Term
Girl (16), Boy (14), Boy (10)
Instead of School, Travel
The family were taking 3 months out to go travelling in Europe and the Middle East. This meant taking the children out of school and continuing their education while on the road.
The children were able to maintain their studies and reintegrate into their respective schools seamlessly on their return.


Full Time
Girl (16), Boy (14), Boy (10)
Instead of School, Travel
The family were taking 3 months out to go travelling in Europe and the Middle East. This meant taking the children out of school and continuing their education while on the road.
The children were able to maintain their studies and reintegrate into their respective schools seamlessly on their return.


Full Time, Short Term
Girl (12), Boy (10), Boy (8)
Instead of School, Travel, Special Needs
This US family wished to change their lifestyle and travel in Europe. This meant homeschooling their children, two of whom were dyslexic, while they travelled.
The family were so impressed by the progress of their children out of traditional school that they retained the services of Tutors International for an additional two years after they returned.


Full Time
Boy (9)
Instead of School, Travel
A bilingual German/English Tutor was needed. The family travel extensively and for long periods and were looking for a Tutor who would be able to offer an enriching educational experience that bridged the periods when the boy was away from his school.
Our Tutor was immensely successful at giving the family the freedom they needed while providing a superb educational experience for their son.


Full Time
Boy (8), Boy (10)
Instead of School, Travel
This family were making a wildlife nature film in the Kenyan bush and needed a Tutor to home-educate their children for the 18 months they would be away.
This was a challenging role for the successful tutor due to the isolation and simple conditions. The role was a complete success, with the boys later being accepted into an excellent private school.


Full Time
Boy (9)
Instead of School, Travel, Special Needs
What started as a short term summer appointment supporting this mildly dyslexic boy on vacation in Turkey, soon turned into a full homeschooling role when it became evident to all just how much happier the boy was in the care of a Tutor.
After two years homeschooling, during which the boy's self-confidence and self-esteem had been completely restored, the boy started a new school.


Full Time
Boy (9), Girl (9)
Instead of School, Travel, Special Needs
This family had decided to relocate to London for a year, with periods of travel and exploration. The youngest children, one of whom is dyslexic, were taken out of school during the period and homeschooled by one of our Tutors.
The Tutor needed to work in concert with the children's schools to ensure that they would reintegrate smoothly upon their return. The one-on-one help with the dyslexic boy improved his reading, writing and self-confidence immeasurably.

Los Angeles

Full Time, Short Term
Girl (15), Girl (13), Boy (5), Boy (3)
Instead of School, Travel
This was a short term but challenging and intensive assignment, working with four children from Ireland while they accompanied their family on business.
The eldest girl was in the final stages of her leaving certificate and did extremely well following the tutoring. All the children loved working with the tutor.


Full Time
Boy (8), Girl (6)
Instead of School, Travel, Unhappy at School
This family were disappointed with the quality of schooling on offer near their home and sought a Tutor to homeschool their children instead. This lifestyle choice also allowed the parents the freedom to travel for extended periods.
The Tutor was able to create a superb curriculum for the children, taking advantage of the resources locally, whether in the US or travelling in Africa.


Full Time
Instead of School, Travel
This highly academic child actor needed an excellent Tutor to maintain preparation for his GCSEs in 14 subjects while on set making a big budget film.
Despite the challenges of working from a caravan and fitting around the filming schedule, the Tutor was able to help ensure that the boy passed all his exams with A* and A grades.


Full Time
Girl (12), Girl (2), Boy (10), Boy (8)
Instead of School, Travel, Special Needs
This US family wished to change their lifestyle and travel in Europe. This meant homeschooling their children, two of whom were dyslexic, while they travelled.
The family were so impressed by the progress of their children out of traditional school that they retained the services of Tutors International for an additional two years after they returned.

Sailing - Mediterranean

Full Time
Girl (11), Girl (10), Girl (8)
Instead of School, Travel
This family planned to take a year to go sailing during which their daughters would be homeschooled aboard the yacht in preparation for entrance exams for the top London private girls’ schools.
A teaching couple was appointed to make sure that all the subjects could be covered for all three girls in a way that complemented the learning environment without compromising educational rigour. All three girls were accepted to their first choice schools.

Sailing - Pacific

Full Time
Girl (11), Girl (10), Girl (8)
Instead of School, Travel
This family planned to take a year to go sailing during which their daughters would be home-schooled aboard the yacht in preparation for entrance exams for the top London private girls’ schools.
A teaching couple was appointed to make sure that all the subjects could be covered for all three girls in a way that complemented the learning environment without compromising educational rigour. All three girls were accepted to their first choice schools.

South Pacific

Full Time
Boy (4), Boy (5)
Instead of School, Advanced Studies, Travel
We have done some amazing activities - a lot of which the adults decide to come on too! - horse riding along a beach; visiting an active volcano; hiking through jungles; climbing up waterfalls and visiting traditional villages to witness spirit dances and land-jumping etc. We were also really lucky to be on a deserted beach in New Caledonia when several sea snakes slithered ashore to lay their eggs! Pretty unique and the children loved it! J - The Tutor
This was just one of the many accounts of the wonderful experiential and hands-on learning that travel and education can offer.

Explore more

Learn more about how travelling with a tutor can enhance your child’s education and your freedom as a family:

Contact Us

Ready to embark on an educational adventure? Fill out our enquiry form below or contact us directly to discuss your specific requirements. Let Tutors International help you create unforgettable learning experiences that turn every trip into an exciting educational journey!

Contact Us

If you would like a Tutor, please fill in this form and we will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your requirements in detail.

Alternatively, you can reach us by calling +44 1865 435 135.

If you are a tutor, please go to our tutor site.

Your Tutoring Requirements

We know that the cost of our services might be beyond your means. If this is the case, we recommend that you explore other options.

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