A High-End Tutoring Job: Tutors International Commence a Global Search for a World-Class Educator to Place in a Residential Private Tutoring Position on the East Coast of the USA

Monday, May 24th, 2021
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Tutoring Roles
A High-End Tutoring Job: Tutors International Commence a Global Search for a World-Class Educator to Place in a Residential Private Tutoring Position on the East Coast of the USA
World-renowned residential private tutoring specialists, Tutors International, have announced their latest vacancy: a long-term full-time tutoring position based on the East Coast of the USA.

A Specialist High-End Tutoring Job

OXFORD, UK: Tutors International is a prestigious private tutoring company that specialises in matching the perfect tutor to their clients’ families. They conduct a custom global search for each Client enquiry to ensure that they find not only a world-class tutor but one that matches the attitudes, values, ideas and specific needs of that family and their child(ren). They have just announced their latest high-end tutoring job.

Tutors International has just launched the custom recruitment process for their latest high-end tutoring job (ref. DEL 0421). The family of a sporty, charismatic, and fun-loving young man, aged 14, are seeking the dedicated assistance of an exceptional Tutor with a breadth of subject knowledge (including French) and expertise in Specific Language Impairment. The role, commencing mid-August and potentially lasting for several years, may involve some travel, but will predominantly take place on the east coast of the USA.

The Student

One of the key benefits of high-quality private tuition is that the education provided can be personalised and tailored to the learner. An integral part of delivering that individualized tuition is garnering a thorough understanding of the student: their needs, their preferences, their talents, their challenges.

The student in question for this job is currently in the 8th Grade and is the youngest of three. He is kind-hearted, sociable, boasts a great sense of humor and is naturally talkative. He excels at soccer, having picked up and mastered the game quickly. Although he does not spend much time watching sports, he’s also interested in basketball, tennis, skiing, jet-skiing, snorkeling, sea-bobbing and e-Foiling. He is attracted to all sports that allow him to be outdoors with friends and is currently trying his hand at golf. Academically, the student is highly numerate and enjoys identifying solutions for others in everyday life.

Tutors International’s tailored and global approach to recruitment for high-end tutoring means they’re adept in sourcing educators that can honor and nurture extra-curricular interests as well as offer academic excellence.

Understanding Specific Educational Needs: SLI

Tutors International have extensive experience finding private tutors who can accommodate specialist requirements for students. Founder, Adam Caller, has received specialist training in the non-medicinal management of dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder and is very sensitive to children’s educational needs. Tutors International can even consult a Harley Street educational psychologist if necessary. Acknowledging and understanding individual educational needs is integral to being able to provide the most suitable and best qualified tutor for a particular placement.

For the student in focus for the DEL 0421 job, reading and writing have always posed a problem. He finds it challenging to access and process written information or transfer his own thoughts from mind to paper. Such difficulties were identified early in his school career when he clearly struggled to pick up English naturally and required speech therapy in the first years. He was diagnosed as having a Specific Language Impairment (SLI) in 3rd Grade and has since received a great deal of support to develop his language skills at a more normal rate. Despite excellent cognitive ability, he often needs the written word read and explained to him to better digest it. He finds it difficult to reuse what he has learned in new contexts, write about information or write creatively. Reading and writing activities highlight problems in comprehension and linking new material with existing skills, thus rendering many tasks and homework exercises monotonous or stressful. Bearing in mind that these language issues span the subject spectrum and are not confined to English, this impacts his whole academic development.

Accommodating Lifestyle and Travel

Tutors International specialise in residential private tuition. This means tutors live with the families, or off-site but on hand to help in the home during agreed hours. This means the tutor has to be so much more than a good teacher. Their personality has to work with the family and the student. The tutor’s own attitudes, values and ideas should align with the families to a significant degree. Tutors International discern the most important values, desires and attitudes of the family in order to match a tutor with complementary qualities.

For the DEL 0421 job, privacy and discretion are fundamental values of the household and the Tutor will adhere to any safety protocols regarding the student’s wellbeing. Following the transition of education to predominantly remote resources during the pandemic, the family’s strict screen time policy has been eroded. A sensible Tutor will inspire imaginative, interactive learning tools and engage technology in a thoughtful manner, always to add value to lessons, research, and projects. They will be entrusted with converting the tutoring space in the main house into an engaging and well-resourced learning environment.

While the family do not necessarily favor a Tutor following a particular political ethos, they do expect their own beliefs and lifestyle to be respected.

Tutors should also understand that accommodating the family’s lifestyle means travelling with them when required.

The Ideal Candidate

The student responds most positively to upbeat, fair teachers. He cannot stand two-faced individuals and would always prefer friendly, honest conversations regarding any issues or problems. Negative experiences with some teachers have led him to appreciate fun, open-minded leaders all the more. His best teacher managed to engage him in English, despite the challenges, by incorporating personal life experiences into his lessons. Relatable anecdotes and the right balance of humor made his classes more interesting.

The student has had tutors before. The best of these had impeccable academic track records themselves and an uncanny ability to explain the most complicated things in a way that he can understand. Beyond the academic tutoring, they were personable, unpretentious and fun. The Tutor to follow in their footsteps would ideally come from a similar background and be a fantastic role model to this young man. He needs to feel at ease, valued and supported by his Tutor, preferably sharing interests and wit. In his own words, the tutor should be an "academic weapon."

The fresh, entertaining approach that his previous tutors brought was successful in discovering the key to unlock the student’s struggles in accessing information, learning and retention. For him to achieve the best possible results during high school, his parents seek a Tutor who will tailor resources and their delivery to address his specific learning needs and language barriers. High on the agenda, his parents would like their son to attend a respectable college, possibly to pursue his interest in business, along with becoming forever more willing to learn independently and take responsibility for his own education. They would like him to become increasingly more dynamic and able to apply his knowledge with confidence, in a timelier fashion. They hope that his comprehension skills and ability to analyze information for himself will become second nature, in addition to writing extended essays and using a range of literary devices.

The ideal scenario would celebrate stress-free extra-curricular activity, accessible material, and a permanent shift in learning obstacles. The Tutor is also encouraged to advocate for participation in community-based service and will essentially serve as an inspirational mentor to the student. An educator who could potentially commit until the end of 12th Grade would be privileged in coaching the student throughout the rest of his high school years, including helping with applications for summer and college programs. Solid experience in teaching the American curriculum is paramount, as is a deep appreciation and understanding of the implications of SLIs. The Tutor will be innovative in helping to break down and confront any difficulties and ultimately progress alongside or beyond his peers. His language impairment should in no way hold him back or have a detrimental effect on his studies or self-esteem.

The Process

Tutors International’s tailored service requires a thorough recruitment method. The application process is rigorous and highly customised for every tutoring job. Of the hundreds of CVs and résumés from private tutor applicants, they only shortlist the candidates that meet every single criterion on the job specification and consider only the very best and most qualified of those shortlisted tutors. They then check references for every tutor being considered. The remaining handful of tutors that pass every quality check are then interviewed in person. The two best candidates are then put forward to the Client. The final decision is made by the Client.

The DEL 0421 tutoring job is open for applications from candidates who are prepared and qualified to excel in this wonderful high-end tutoring placement. Tutors International asks that if you are a qualified, suitable, experienced and exceptional private tutor that you apply here: www.tutors-international.net/currentpositions.

  • Tutors International provides an unparalleled tutoring service that matches the right tutor with the right child, in order for the student to fully reach their personal potential and academic excellence.
  • Providing a service for children of all ages at different points in their educational journeys, Tutors International is a reputable tutoring company founded on a commitment to finding the perfect tutor to realise the specific goals and aspirations of each student.
  • Private Tutors are available for residential full-time positions, after-school assistance, and homeschooling.
  • Founded in 1999 by Adam Caller, Tutors International is a private company based in Oxford, a city renowned for academic excellence. Our select clientele receives a personally tailored service, with discretion and confidentiality guaranteed.

Contact Us

If you would like a Tutor, please fill in this form and we will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your requirements in detail.

Alternatively, you can reach us by calling +44 1865 435 135.

If you are a tutor, please go to our tutor site.

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