The perfect private tutor for every Client

Are you looking to hire a Tutor? Our thorough recruitment process is what makes our service the best in the world, and provides each client with a perfectly matched Tutor.

  1. After an initial phone call, we meet with families to garner a comprehensive understanding of their requirements. This includes learning about each student’s academic needs, individual talents, and personal interests. We need to know each family’s values so that we can find a tutor that fully aligns with these.
  2. Following this meeting, if you choose to go ahead with the search, we ask you to sign your agreement with our Terms and we charge an Arrangement Fee which covers the cost of the Tutor search.
  3. We then write a detailed job specification for your review. This forms the basis of our recruitment.
  4. As well as being displayed on our website, adverts are placed in specialised and reputable educational press. We know that our marketing reaches tens of thousands of teachers.
  5. The application process for Tutors is rigorous and highly customised for every job.
  6. Of the hundreds of CVs and résumés from applicants, we only shortlist the very best and most qualified.
  7. We then check references for every shortlisted Tutor.
  8. The remaining handful of Tutors that pass every quality check are then interviewed in person.
  9. The best two or three candidates are then put forward to the Client for their final decision. Start dates are agreed, final contracts signed, and the tutoring starts.

This tried and tested process results in superb outcomes.

If you would like to get started then contact us!

Contact Us

If you would like a Tutor, please fill in this form and we will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your requirements in detail.

Alternatively, you can reach us by calling +44 1865 435 135.

If you are a tutor, please go to our tutor site.

Your Tutoring Requirements

We know that the cost of our services might be beyond your means. If this is the case, we recommend that you explore other options.

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