Case Studies: Full Time, Exam Preparation

As well as conducting customised recruitment processes for each Client enquiry, our ability to innovate in the tutoring market has set us apart from other high-end tutoring companies. Tutors International supplies elite tutors onboard yachts and superyachts. We’ve recruited micro-school coordinators in the Puerto-Rican mountains, specialist SEN tutors, and academic-vocational hybrid tutors.

This highly specialist service, tailored approach, and exclusive client base earned Tutors International the epithet, ‘the Dom Perignon of tutoring companies’ (The Good Schools Guide). TI Tutors and Clients alike have shared why we are deserving of this title.

Here you can read through some case studies of exemplary private tuition that we have assigned all over the world:

Buenos Aires

Full Time
Boy (17)
Instead of School, Travel, Exam Preparation
This young man was half way through his A levels in History, Spanish and Human Biology at a prestigious English boarding school. He had been offered a place on an intensive polo training course in Argentina.
The boy's diverse subjects, combined with quite basic and isolated living arrangements, made this a demanding remit. Upon his return to the UK the young man achieved better than predicted A level grades.


Full Time
Boy (12)
Instead of School, Relocation or New School, Exam Preparation
This family were in the middle of a move from their home in France to the US, and their son needed to be supported in his entrance applications for the new school and with the transition from one system to the other.
The Tutor ensured that the boy was able to do well in the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) and therefore be accepted to his first choice of school.


Full Time
Boy (15)
Instead of School, Unhappy at School, Exam Preparation
This young man had been removed from his excellent private school due to concerns about the quality of pastoral care at the school. Half way through his GCSE course he was unable to find another suitable school and so his father opted to homeschool him for the final year of GCSEs.
Under the guidance of excellent Tutors the boy is planning on taking 14 GCSEs. He is ambitious and highly motivated, keen to make this year something in which he can look back on with immense pride in his achievements.


Full Time
Girl (18), Girl (13), Boy (15)
Instead of School, Special Needs, Academic Concerns, Exam Preparation
The eldest girl had failed to gain the grades she needed in her AS levels and was therefore at risk of not achieving the overall grades she needed for her first choice University. Her brother was preparing for GCSEs at the same time, and the younger girl had some mild dyslexia that merited occasional support.
By far the greatest emphasis of the Tutor's work was with the eldest girl, who was to be homeschooled instead of attending a private sixth form college in London. By the end of the first term, the courses taken so far had been reviewed and the girl scored 3 As in her modules. At the end of the year the girl's final grades were AAB and she was accepted to her first choice University. The younger brother and the sister also thrived with the Tutor's support.

Los Angeles

Full Time, Short Term
Girl (15), Girl (13), Boy (5), Boy (3)
Instead of School, Travel, Exam Preparation
This was a short term but challenging and intensive assignment, working with four children from Ireland while they accompanied their family on business.
The eldest girl was in the final stages of her leaving certificate and did extremely well following the tutoring. All the children loved working with the tutor.

Los Angeles

Full Time, Short Term
Boy (12)
Instead of School, Relocation or New School, Exam Preparation
This family were in the middle of a move from their home in France to the US, and their son needed to be supported in his entrance applications for the new school and with the transition from one system to the other.
The Tutor ensured that the boy was able to do well in the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) and therefore be accepted to his first choice of school.


Full Time, Short Term
Boy (15)
Instead of School, Academic Concerns, Exam Preparation
This young man attended a very well known private boarding school in England but was not doing well, and was off school for a term in the middle of his GCSE course.
A Tutor was found who was able to teach the 9 GCSE subjects required during the period of homeschooling. The young man subsequently went on to achieve excellent GCSEs, 3 As at A level and is now at University.

Sailing - Mediterranean

Full Time
Girl (11), Girl (10), Girl (8)
Instead of School, Travel, Exam Preparation, Relocation or New School
This family planned to take a year to go sailing during which their daughters would be homeschooled aboard the yacht in preparation for entrance exams for the top London private girls’ schools.
A teaching couple was appointed to make sure that all the subjects could be covered for all three girls in a way that complemented the learning environment without compromising educational rigour. All three girls were accepted to their first choice schools.

Sailing - Pacific

Full Time
Girl (11), Girl (10), Girl (8)
Instead of School, Travel, Exam Preparation, Relocation or New School
This family planned to take a year to go sailing during which their daughters would be home-schooled aboard the yacht in preparation for entrance exams for the top London private girls’ schools.
A teaching couple was appointed to make sure that all the subjects could be covered for all three girls in a way that complemented the learning environment without compromising educational rigour. All three girls were accepted to their first choice schools.


Full Time
Boy (15)
After School Support, Academic Concerns, Exam Preparation
The boy attended an excellent private school in Glasgow where he had turned in appalling results in his mock Highers just 10 weeks before his final exams. He had been written off by his school.
Tutors International were able to quickly source a Tutor able to teach the 9 subjects. Despite the time constraints, the boy achieved all A and B grades in his Highers.

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Alternatively, you can reach us by calling +44 1865 435 135.

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